Using Keywords in the Body:Put Them Here, Put Them There, Put Them Everywhere!By: Janet L. HallThe keywords you are using MUST be reflected in the page content, the BODY, of the web page you are trying to improve or build.There are many places you can, and should place your keywords to help you get a higher ranking in the search engines; remember, this is the ultimate goal. People searching for you WON’T find you if you don’t use your keywords throughout your web page!TOP Seven Areas to Place Your Keywords in the BODY of Your Web Pages:1.Beginning and near the top of web page.2.Headlines (Headings) and Subtitles.3.Links.4.Site Address in Links.5.Name of Images.6.ALT (Image) TAGS.7.Background Images.This month we’ll look at the top first four, one at a time, and next month we’ll finish up with the last three.We continue building and organizing your web page from last time by inserting the BODY TAG: This TAG is automatically inserted for you by FrontPage and probably other web page design software after your ending or closing HEAD TAG 1. Beginning and near the top of web page :Here you want to type in a paragraph, or more, of information about your services, products, or yourself, being sure to incorporate and use the KEYWORDS you have selected for that page. Get your most important and relevant keywords as close to the top of your web page.Many designers and beginners put logos, images, or banners near the top of their web page. Bad mistake! This can cause some of the search engine spiders to be “caught in the web,” so to speak. They can’t read the image, so they stop retrieving information from your web page and web site; they move on to another web site to spider. They might be able to retrieve the first few lines on that page, and those lines of text might get used as the description of your site when someone is searching for you. Since search engines seem to be in a constant change of what they want, it’s important that your first few lines of text be your most important information, with your most important keywords in there!According to, “Make the first 25 words in the body of your page keyword rich…Spread your keyword phrases throughout the body of the page in natural sounding paragraphs. Put a keyword at the end of your body text as well.”Another trick you might try to boost your keyword relevance is by putting your keyword phrases in bold in your BODY text.2. Headlines (Headings) and Subtitles:The headlines, subtitles, and titles in the BODY of your web page are considered headings. Not to be confused with the HEAD

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