It’s Stocks, Not Markets, that Bring Investment Success
by Gabriel Nijmeh

If you are fairly new to investing and looking for some guidance
or if you are seasoned investor, let me introduce you to NAIC.

National Association of Investors Corporation (NAIC) is a non-
profit, tax exempt organization whose membership consists of
investment clubs and individual investors. Founded in 1951, the
mission of NAIC is to provide investment education, information
and support. They prescribe to four basic, yet timeless
investment principles:

1. Invest regularly, regardless of the present outlook for the
economy or stock market.
2. Reinvest all earnings, letting the power of compounding work
for you.
3. Discover growing companies so that your wealth can grow as
their sales and earnings grow over the years.
4. Diversify your holdings, and don’t put all your eggs in one
basket, regardless of how carefully you watch that basket.

The late George A. Nicholson, Jr. CFA – father of the modern-day
investment club movement, gave these principles to a good friend
in 1939 and told him that if he followed them he would make the
money he needed to start his own business.

“I never thought these principles would be so aggressive,”
Nicholson once told Better Investing editors. “They were meant to
be defensive, to protect investors from losing money. They turned
out to be quite offensive, too.” He enjoyed comparing this
approach to investing with his college football experiences. “The
best offense is a strong defense.”

By admin